Saturday, February 1, 2020

Chain reaction

A synapse,

A single spark.
In the dark.


It's quiet again

Another spark
Joins the chorus.
And together.

Two fires.

It's quiet again.

A third one joins.
And five.
Three of five
and come alive.

Things die down
But they're still glowing inside.

Now it's not completely quiet
But there's a quiet hum.
And quiet it really never will be again.

Three give birth to twenty.
Four to fifty five.
Still more
And more
And the explosion comes alive!

Vibrant brilliance
No longer dark.

Eyes blind with whiteness
Ears overwhelmed with the shock.

Twenty is practically infinity.

The engine has started
Never to stop again.

The reactor is critical
Self-sufficient and -aware.

As he watches this chain reaction
In slow motion
My Mr. Oppenheimer creature
Looks at it and says

"Is it still you? And what is this?"

"Now I am become new
The creator of things."

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